Starfleet skin

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Starfleet skin

Post by evilgrins »

Skinning for Star Trek is tricky when you're trying to stick to the canon material and having to deal with the limitations of certain models. Such as with the Soldier model for both Male & Female which doesn't allow team colors on the shoulders and upper arms...
...which made a Red Shirts skin I did a stretch back all but impossible except for use in MonsterHunt.

It occurred to me the whole thing didn't need to be Team Colored. In recent years Star Trek has featured uniforms which were primarily gray or black with coloring in limited display, so I opted for that.

Lower Decks was NOT what I was going for. In order to make it gray in certain parts I separated the textures to edit them and then pasted them back together... that white line was not deliberate, but I decided to keep it.

What we have here are two skin sets, Male & Female, for the Soldier model with full team colors and multiple faces. Starfleet has more than human members, so there's a wide variety of species here.

Female Soldier has 17 faces.
Male Soldier has 25 faces.

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medor wrote:Replace Skaarj with EvilGrins

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