Title : Mountain Wind Mills
Release Date : June 10, 2015
Editor(s) used : Unreal ED
Construction Time : 7 days.
http://ulut.in/ut_files/maps/CTF- ... dMills.zip
Strangely enough, I just played this today for the 1st time:

More than decent, good intense play.

More than decent, good intense play.
I'll give those a try, while you're trying this · http://www.mediafire.com/file/hw5963u3t ... MillsT.zip
Simple edit, I find UTDMT can make CTF much more intense:

Simple edit, I find UTDMT can make CTF much more intense:

Try Monster Match...
Probably not gonna do MonsterMatch, I'm about full up on gametypes... but I'll think about it.
Quick thing, why can't I upload an avatar?
Quick thing, why can't I upload an avatar?
Okay... I might be getting a little carried away: