A gift from a Mapper to other fellow Mappers out there! ;)
UEd 2 Buttons
Here's the ReadMe included:
Code: Select all
Everythings has it's own ReadMe file (Except UnrealEdEx) but I made this in order to save you the time of reading each one.
• Put all the .u files in UnrealTournament\System
• Put all the .bmp files in UnrealTournament\System\Editorres
• Put all the ReadMe.txt files in UnrealTournament\Help (This is not necessary. You can put these files wherever
you want but I rather have them there since it's easier to find them if I need to do so later.)
• You need to add the following lines to your "UnrealTournament.ini", at the end of the "[Editor.EditorEngine]"
section, after the other "EditPackages=" lines:
• Copy the following lines to the very bottom of your "UnrealED.ini" file:
(if you already have custom buttons then you need to modify these lines a little)
Button0=Align Camera on Selected Actor,UDAlignCam, CAMERA ALIGN
Button1=Resets the selected Brush (Location+Pivot+Rotation+Scale),UDResetBrush, ACTOR RESET ALL
Button2=Deletes the selected Brushes/Actors,UDDelete, DELETE
Button3=Duplicate the selected Brushes/Actors,UDDuplicate, DUPLICATE
Button4=Selects all surfaces on the current Brushes,UDSelBrushSurf, POLY SELECT MATCHING BRUSH
Button5=Apply the current texture to all selected surfaces,UDApplyTexture, POLY SETTEXTURE
Button6=Poly Select - Adjacent walls,UDSelAdjWalls, POLY SELECT ADJACENT WALLS
Button7=Poly Select - Adjacent slants,UDSelAdjSlants, POLY SELECT ADJACENT SLANTS
Button8=Selects all actors within the builder brush,UDSelWithinB, ACTOR SELECT INSIDE
Button9=Copy builder brush to selected poly,UDPolyToBrush, MAP BRUSH GET
Button10=Show Pathnodes,UDShowPaths, PATHS SHOW
Button11=Hide Pathnodes,UDHidePaths, PATHS HIDE
Button12=Wireframe distance clipping mode,actorClipZ, ACTOR CLIP Z
Button13=Snap verticles of selected brushes to current grid,VertexSnap, ACTOR ALIGN
Button14=Show UV scaling values of selected poly (in log window),PolyTexInfo, POLY TEXINFO
Button15=Select all surfaces of a given zone,allZoneSurfaces, POLY SELECT ZONE
• Dave's Brush Builder Pack: UT patch 432 or higher.
• FrameBuilder: I assume any version since it doesn't say anything on the ReadMe.
• Map actor/package purger: For use with Unreal 227/UT (UnrealEd 2.0/2.1)
• Radi Buttons: I assume any version since it doesn't say anything on the ReadMe.
• Rahnem's Builder Brushes: This pack should work with any version of UnrealEd 2.
• Tarquin's Brush Builder Pack: UT patch 432 or higher.
• Tarquin's Extrude Builder: UT patch 432 or higher.
• Extended Brush Builders Pack: UT patch 432 or higher.
• Fordy Buttons: These buttons will only work with UnrealED 2.0 from patch 425 or higher.
• Gubar Brush Builders: I assume any version since it doesn't say anything on the ReadMe.
• UnrealEd Ex: I assume any version since there's no ReadMe included.
If you need more info about any of these tools, please read its specific ReadMe.txt file.
Also, I would suggest that you add the name of the tool to the ReadMe file of each one so you don't confuse them later.