
Guidelines, tutorials and discussions about Mappings - Introduce your own ones!
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Post by evilgrins »

Edit of a map from "The [lol] Clan" who may not be around anymore, but their site still is ·

Bit of backstory here, I managed to get in touch with the maker of this map a stretch back (even though I'd already started editing it) and got permission to work on it... but that went nowhere as I then lost the map. Really what happened is I thought I'd accidentally deleted it but really all I did was forget to add the UTDMT prefix to the map name.

Learned later, again accidentally, the edit was under the original name as Map Randomizer (so much better than Map Vote) "reminded" me by tossing it into the mix one day.

What we have here is a very large GIANT-sized map set in a bar. Fairly standard, combat takes place all over and inside the walls and inside the pool table and on the lamps and... you'll work it out. There's lifts of a sort as coasters (for drinks) travel all over the map.

Had Nelsona fix the pathing, and now it's ready to go.

Enjoy! ...
medor wrote:Replace Skaarj with EvilGrins

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