Map Vote Ultimate v1.1 for UT by Deepak O V & SpEcTra_7 (admin@ulut.in)
Main Features:
- Voting for up to 1024 maps
- 4 Customizable Map Lists+
- Added startup logo
- Added startup logo option (for client side)
- Customizable background, boxes, boxes text & titles color
- Up to 100 Custom gametypes where you can assign Prefixes, Mutators and Settings
- Filter system (supporting Wildcards) to implement detailed Maplist assignments (up to 4x256 Filters)
- Predefined Maplist if noone voted (return to default maps)
- Automatically mapswitch to a predefinded Maplist if server is empty for a certain time (return to default maps)
- Priority System for Maplists
- Re-Vote limit (avoidable for certain maplists)
- Kickvote to kick players
- Displaying a Clanlogo within the votemenu
- Support for Assault and LeagueAssault
- Automatic removal of crashed maps (to prevent them to be revoted)
- Mapplaycount report and Mapsequence report
- Detailed in-game Admin page for most of the configuration
Version History:
* Added background, boxes, boxes text & titles color changing option
* Added Mapvote logo on/off option (for client side)
* Bind option problem fixed
* Enhanced: Added an ExcludeFilter[1024] to remove special maps. This Filter can be enabled/disabled via admin menu
Map Vote Ultimate 1.1
Excellent I'm like a kid who just received a present ^^
It's been years that I mean a map vote for all resolution and and with such capacity like this one
It's been years that I mean a map vote for all resolution and and with such capacity like this one

Predefined Maplist if noone voted return to default maps,Automatically map switch to a predefined Map list if server is empty for a certain time return to default maps, Priority System for Map lists
What you mean?
Can you update it with the sped for found maps like in the MapVoteULv2_3 ?
May a work for Sektor2111 :roll:
May a work for Sektor2111 :roll:
Researching to make MapVoteULv2_4 is auto screen re-sizable mode. Don't worry!
Coming soon (or) update with this version!
Coming soon (or) update with this version!