I had two bugs,
After someone killed using the bios, and the minigun, the sound of firing gun was frozen until the end of the map.
And on the map DM-fractal, The shot is not opening the door to the floor, I tested every weapon
dont work BIOS - secondary and primary, PISTON - secondary and primary, PULSE - secondary, FLACK - secondary and primary, SNIPER primary.
After someone killed using the bios, and the minigun, the sound of firing gun was frozen until the end of the map.
And on the map DM-fractal, The shot is not opening the door to the floor, I tested every weapon
dont work BIOS - secondary and primary, PISTON - secondary and primary, PULSE - secondary, FLACK - secondary and primary, SNIPER primary.
Are you testing newnet with bots?thiagoobr wrote: ↑Sun Jul 09, 2017 5:09 am I had two bugs,
After someone killed using the bios, and the minigun, the sound of firing gun was frozen until the end of the map.
And on the map DM-fractal, The shot is not opening the door to the floor, I tested every weapon
dont work BIOS - secondary and primary, PISTON - secondary and primary, PULSE - secondary, FLACK - secondary and primary, SNIPER primary.
jenova* wrote: ↑Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:37 pm Hello folks.
I've started test UltimateNewNetv_08.
It works almost fine, very good stuff Deep![]()
I got same situation. In nwDM and when I pick throwed shockrifle first, I couldn't fire(only fire sound).
It was likely bug of Tim's NewNet. And after I throwed the shock and dead, I picked the (throwed) shock again and can fire correctly.
I played 4 or 5 matches and only 1 time happend and I checked the ucc-log, but no error was happend.
It happend too on using sniperrifle. I think you know it but I report this just in case you didn't know.
(when I got sniper, I couldn't see amount of ammo on HUD you know.)
I tested without bots!Ranju wrote: ↑Sun Jul 09, 2017 7:43 amAre you testing newnet with bots?thiagoobr wrote: ↑Sun Jul 09, 2017 5:09 am I had two bugs,
After someone killed using the bios, and the minigun, the sound of firing gun was frozen until the end of the map.
And on the map DM-fractal, The shot is not opening the door to the floor, I tested every weapon
dont work BIOS - secondary and primary, PISTON - secondary and primary, PULSE - secondary, FLACK - secondary and primary, SNIPER primary.
Critical CPU load fix.
this erro, Is still in version 9.
dont work BIOS - secondary and primary, PISTON - secondary and primary, PULSE - secondary, FLACK - secondary and primary, SNIPER primary.
dont work BIOS - secondary and primary, PISTON - secondary and primary, PULSE - secondary, FLACK - secondary and primary, SNIPER primary.
I just fixed the
can you send a screenshot for that error?Critical CPU load fix only.
The problem caused with:Can you elaborate on what caused this?
Code: Select all
event Tick(float zzdelta)
local int zzx;
local bool zzb, zzbDoShot;
local Pawn zzP;
local bbPlayer zzbP;
local bbCHSpectator zzbS;
if (InStr(ConsoleCommand("set UTPlayerChunks RemoteRole ROLE_SimulatedProxy"), "Unrecognized")<0);
// Build visible/hidden list for pickups.
zzAntiTimerListState = 0;
for (zzx = 0; zzx < zzAntiTimerListCount; zzx++)
if (zzAntiTimerList[zzx] != None && zzAntiTimerList[zzx].bHidden)
zzAntiTimerListState = zzAntiTimerListState | (1 << zzx);
if (Level.Pauser != "") // This code is to avoid players being kicked when paused.
zzbPaused = True;
zzPauseCountdown = 45.0; // Give it 45 seconds to wear off
zzDMP.SentText = Max(zzDMP.SentText - 100, 0); // Fix to avoid the "Pause text freeze bug"
if (zzPauseCountdown > 0.0)
zzPauseCountdown -= zzdelta;
zzbPaused = False;
// Prepare players that are warming up for a game that is about to start.
if (zzbWarmupPlayers)
if (Level.Game.IsA('CTFGame'))
if (Level.Game.IsA('Domination'))
if (Level.Game.IsA('Assault'))
if (zzDMP.CountDown < 10)
// Cause clients to force an actor check.
if (ForceSettingsLevel > 2 && rand(5000) == 0)
zzb = True;
if (!bDidEndWarn && zzDMP.bGameEnded)
bDidEndWarn = True;
zzbDoShot = True;
for (zzP = Level.PawnList; zzP != None; zzP = zzP.NextPawn)
zzbP = bbPlayer(zzP);
if (zzbP != None)
zzbP.zzAntiTimerListState = zzAntiTimerListState; // Copy the visible/hidden list for pickups.
if (zzbP.zzOldNetspeed != zzbP.zzNetspeed)
zzbP.zzNetspeedChanges++; // Detect changed netspeed
zzbP.zzOldNetspeed = zzbP.zzNetspeed;
if (zzbP.zzNetspeedChanges > 5) // Netspeed change protection
if (zzb)
if (zzbP.zzKickReady > 100) // Spam protection
if (zzbDoShot)
zzbS = bbCHSpectator(zzP);
if (zzbS != None)
if (Level.TimeSeconds > zzbS.zzNextTimeTime)
zzbS.zzNextTimeTime = Level.TimeSeconds + 10;
zzbS.GameReplicationInfo.RemainingTime = DeathMatchPlus(Level.Game).RemainingTime;
zzbS.GameReplicationInfo.ElapsedTime = DeathMatchPlus(Level.Game).ElapsedTime;
zzbS.xxSetTimes(zzbS.GameReplicationInfo.RemainingTime, zzbS.GameReplicationInfo.ElapsedTime);
This option added for thiagoobr he said if we fired with bots, the head won't show, so i added this line for headshot fix:
Changed to:
ForEach AllActors(class'UTPlayerChunks', PC)
PC.RemoteRole = ROLE_SimulatedProxy;
I think this option is really useless, who play with bots? Other problem is it affect for Gore Level option.
I mean now fixed with 0% CPU load 
Updated NewNet added to Dev Server, check for errors...

Updated NewNet added to Dev Server, check for errors...
With all the guns we could do the head shot, but to advertise the head shot we have to use sniper and ripper, could we put the ad for all the guns? When the head is torn?
I already gave the head shot using a rocket

With all the guns we could do the head shot, but to advertise the head shot we have to use sniper and ripper, could we put the ad for all the guns? When the head is torn?
I already gave the head shot using a rocket