Just a quick search before i go working
dd mutator MapVoteULv2_4.BDBMapVote
StartMutator: BTPlusPlusv0994.BTPlusPlus
| BTPlusPlus v0.994 by [es]Rush*bR
| forcing Hardcore mode / 100% Gamespeed / 35% AirControl
| Status: Disabled
| Reason: Server is in Tournament mode and bDisableInTournament = True
Spawning Actor/Mutator FAILED: BTPlusPlusv0994.BTPlusPlus
StartMutator: BotPack.InstaGibDM
StartMutator: BTAC.Entry
Failed to load 'BTAC': Can't find file for package 'BTAC'
Failed to load 'Class BTAC.Entry': Can't find file for package 'BTAC'
Starting Actor/Mutator FAILED. Could not DynamicLoadObject: BTAC.Entry
StartMutator: AAAHitToneV2.AAAHitToneV2
StartMutator: BTCheckPointsCE.BTCheckPoints
* BTCheckPoints mutator started
* Version 1.0 by Sp0ngeb0b
* WARNING: BTCheckPoints ServerPackage entry not found! This can cause unwanted results!
* Nexgen detected, cooperating mode active.
* Using own Cap-Preventer ...
* Starting client-side HUD.
* Contact: spongebobut@yahoo.com
Map Vote Ultimate
or you remove from mampvote ,BTAC.Entry
or you install this anticheat
http://medor.no-ip.org/index.php?dir=An ... rch_mode=f
you ave
and an other in mapvote
set just one; not the two
Just test working fine with no BTAC and just the ,BotPack.InstaGibDM
but you can set the BTAC
or you install this anticheat
http://medor.no-ip.org/index.php?dir=An ... rch_mode=f
you ave
and an other in mapvote
set just one; not the two
Just test working fine with no BTAC and just the ,BotPack.InstaGibDM
but you can set the BTAC
Would it be possivelable to put something in the votemap for the player to download from the server only the gametype mutators being played?
exemple ::
Or if there is already a mutator for this, you could tell me??

exemple ::
Or if there is already a mutator for this, you could tell me??

Cacus has a lot of bug, I already used it , is beta..
I think the heck will end this project....
I think the heck will end this project....

A mapvote must stay a mapvote To want to complicate It no longer works.
Helen do something like this ?
Ask here http://www.birdieman.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl
A mapvote must stay a mapvote To want to complicate It no longer works.
Helen do something like this ?
Ask here http://www.birdieman.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl
Send me your.ini files, I will check what happening inside...
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