The UN1e.LastManStanding is LastManStanding++, i just integrated to newnet, let me verify for next release!!!
Sometimes a bug occurs with shock rifle and flak cannon. The weapon does not shoot when you pick it up. Game mode: DM and LMS
Bug is native, I can't able find that from long time ago, need to fix that.
deepu work in path 469, when the job is finished, he will work with newnet again!!!

deepu work in path 469, when the job is finished, he will work with newnet again!!!

Deepu, Hey. Will UltimateNewNet work with other types of games?
For example:
1. (bEnabled=True,GameName="Team Last Man Standing",RuleName="Test",GameClass="tlastmanstanding.LastManStanding",FilterCode="lms",bHasRandom=False,VotePriority=1.000000,MutatorList="",Settings="",Packages="")
2. (bEnabled=True,GameName="Last Man Standing",RuleName="Test",GameClass="lmsplusplus05.LastManStanding",FilterCode="lms",bHasRandom=False,VotePriority=1.000000,MutatorList="",Settings="",Packages="")
3. Etc
For example:
1. (bEnabled=True,GameName="Team Last Man Standing",RuleName="Test",GameClass="tlastmanstanding.LastManStanding",FilterCode="lms",bHasRandom=False,VotePriority=1.000000,MutatorList="",Settings="",Packages="")
2. (bEnabled=True,GameName="Last Man Standing",RuleName="Test",GameClass="lmsplusplus05.LastManStanding",FilterCode="lms",bHasRandom=False,VotePriority=1.000000,MutatorList="",Settings="",Packages="")
3. Etc
Read that first post carefully
Code: Select all
--> For Last Man Standing, add to the MapVote.ini
--> add to the UnrealTournament.ini for Last Man Standing
Of course I read the first post. There just is a problem that I wrote about before viewtopic.php?f=15&t=987&start=240#p2586
So I decided to use the original mode LastManStanding++ - lmsplusplus05.LastManStanding. First of all, to check the error.
I'm also interested in mode Team Last Man Standing - tlastmanstanding.LastManStanding
So I decided to use the original mode LastManStanding++ - lmsplusplus05.LastManStanding. First of all, to check the error.
I'm also interested in mode Team Last Man Standing - tlastmanstanding.LastManStanding
I forgot that one can you post again that bug? Yea works with newnet, but the problem is new lms++ replace newnet weapons original, in that case you need to load all weapons fully loaded mutator "UP2.AWFL" or find original mutator class line!
Code: Select all
1. (bEnabled=True,GameName="Team Last Man Standing",RuleName="Test",GameClass="tlastmanstanding.LastManStanding",FilterCode="lms",bHasRandom=False,VotePriority=1.000000,MutatorList="UP2.AWFL",Settings="",Packages="")
2. (bEnabled=True,GameName="Last Man Standing",RuleName="Test",GameClass="lmsplusplus05.LastManStanding",FilterCode="lms",bHasRandom=False,VotePriority=1.000000,MutatorList="UP2.AWFL",Settings="",Packages="")