Which means, I've more time for editing maps... be afraid!
Usually I edit CTF maps by adding the UT Deathmatch Titans or Warlords, sometimes both, among other things fixed here and there all over... but with this fairly tiny map, I recalled something I nearly forgot about. A stretch back, SilverSound exported auto-cannons from ut2004 to be used in ut99. I've never tried mapping with them before, so this seemed an ideal time to give them a shot.
No pun intended.
SilverSound's cannons: https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=11779
They do suffer 1 slight glitch. No matter what team you assign them to, they attack everybody! So rather than try and fix that, I embraced it. Mounted 2 cannons in the center of the map's ceiling to rain hell and annoyance down on all players. Makes things a bit more interesting... and I do like keeping things interesting.
Just to be whimsical, I named the cannons Ernie & Bert... so folks know which one killed them.
Usual Suspects:
u. - /system
.unr - /maps
.png - Pwetty
http://www.mediafire.com/file/ma8tz8awp ... toTech.zip