This is a map of 2 bases on not entirely solid ground. The large circular patterns are solid ground, though some of it shifts when players move on it. The rest is icy water and there's a lot going on down below as well. Each base has a UTDMS, a Team Skaarj Berserker, guarding it... but that's still up top.
Down below, for the most part, are 2 Cyberus. Not at all team affiliated and armed with redeemers. Sometimes they become aware of what's going on above them and shoot at players with redeemers or their eye-beams...

...and sometimes they come to the surface and attack players more directly.
Usual Suspects:
.u - /system
.unr - /maps
.png - Pwetty!
https://www.mediafire.com/file/ot46akp6 ... hinIce.zip