Dark Hero

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Dark Hero

Post by evilgrins »

Had a little chat with OjitroC not too long ago, and my various superhero type skins came up... which is when I remembered I never released this one.
The "Dark Hero" skin has gone through a number of iterations since I first made it, and even I'm not 100% sure when that was. Earliest reference I've got for it was back in 2009...
...but that's only the 1st time I ever posted about it.

Chris Ollis does beautiful work, and he made 2 packages of superhero skins. No team colors, but lovely things to behold. They might've been my 1st attempt to give full team colors to an existing skin that didn't have any or only had 2.

I reworked them from how they looked originally, as I wasn't too happy with my first choices for red & yellow:
But it's definitely good to go for sharing.

It's still rough in points, as I kept the hands from where the faces came from; it has 10 different faces.

https://www.mediafire.com/file/9vjcm8le ... s_hero.zip
medor wrote:Replace Skaarj with EvilGrins

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