This server has one mod with newnet 9015 called DOMFreeStyleGold1a.
It's a sniper camping with deemer teamcolor an a translock Try under DM it worn under newnet.
sometime this server is utpure 7g only and no newnet :o
This server has one mod with newnet 9015 called DOMFreeStyleGold1a.
It's a sniper camping with deemer teamcolor an a translock Try under DM it worn under newnet.
sometime this server is utpure 7g only and no newnet :o
I added two mods to server check it
Players are coming so i can't test all.
IHDM just hammer
IHTDM just hammer to
IHLMS just hammer to
slv :shock: how you set slv with newnet weapons ?
I found the cause bug hammer with newnet
it's only when i use the bind
IHDM just hammer
IHTDM just hammer to
IHLMS just hammer to
slv :shock: how you set slv with newnet weapons ?
I found the cause bug hammer with newnet
it's only when i use the bind
Code: Select all
Aliases[27]=(Command="getweapon ImpactHammer|Button bFire|Fire|OnRelease Jump",Alias=Hjump)
In your slv set server
*The slv bug ... if you jump in air you stay in air and not move.
Same with slv205 or rx
*The grapple ave multiple bugs it is unplayable.
*The slv bug ... if you jump in air you stay in air and not move.
Same with slv205 or rx
*The grapple ave multiple bugs it is unplayable.
Bugs in newnet
SLV NN Config for Map Vote
SLV NN Config for Map Vote
Code: Select all
I have try this offline to
I remember the same bug with a original NewNetUnrealv0_9_x an rx by summoning.

Code: Select all

New NN added here plz check for errors
You remove the bug rocket no ammo
and the bug hammer bind.
the flying player at the start map
It's been years that is expected. You just use a fast switch weapon ?
Not fan for news hit sounds and effect visual flack when a player fire me.
Need more time for test ... i go to my work :x I'll be back.
What other news i can test in it ?
Important with new weapons to add like a camper one http://medor.no-ip.org/index.php?dir=We ... Gold1a.zip
You remove the bug rocket no ammo
and the bug hammer bind.
the flying player at the start map
It's been years that is expected. You just use a fast switch weapon ?
Not fan for news hit sounds and effect visual flack when a player fire me.
Need more time for test ... i go to my work :x I'll be back.
What other news i can test in it ?
Important with new weapons to add like a camper one http://medor.no-ip.org/index.php?dir=We ... Gold1a.zip
It's just the sniper camping rifle that will work with newnet.
But for those who wondering, in UTPure (UT.ini) for newnet, set TrackFOV=0 if you aren't going to be using this for Normal Weapons.
Problems are fixed?
Yes i will try more...
I ave to come with a french assault player for make test launch with the hammer
I ave to come with a french assault player for make test launch with the hammer