
Discussions about server side mods.
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Post by Deepu »


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Post by medor »

@ thiagoobr
thiagoobr wrote: Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:22 pm In the fractal. and hammer primary not active!
in DM-StalwartXL has to arrange the secondary shot hammer is not activating and pulse gun secondary not active...
This is ok now ?
I can update the summary no ?

In the fractal. and hammer primary not active!
in DM-StalwartXL has to arrange the secondary shot hammer is not activating and pulse gun secondary not active...


This 5 point are ok now ?
I can update the summary no ?

18/ 0.9,1x +
Sometimes when you shift to a weapon you can hear that it fires, tho' no output to screen or impact to enemy - reminds a bit of the weapon act staying sometimes when you kill opponent (sound of their weapon keeps staying untill you fire the same weapon once) Persist in 9.2x

19/ 0.9.2
Way more lags as soon as players are +70ms ping over you, gives really nasty accuracy for hiting? Small jitters in fast movements - will make a demo, might just be my UT. But feels like high ping is priotized a bit too much.

20/ 0.9.2
Frequent UT crashes in start of the game, fewer in game but some, never had that before. Noticed a lot of other players has the same problem.

21/ 0.9,1x + Sounds steps, RL loading an shots is randomly missed, sometimes like players can switch it off? Can't be nosteps as its excluded in ACE - So an overall question, how much can be tampered with at clientside in UN? (generally in NN)

Strange problem, that also happens in NN 03,9,2, but not that often, in UN it's persistant.
Switch from minigun to sniper you dont get the weapon sound, back again works perfectly, and all other weapon switchs also.
Under NN it happens 1/3 of the times, so seems to be a general code error somewhere, that got amplified in the UN version of 0,9,2.

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Post by Deepu »

To Thiago,
The fractal map error fully fixed with all weapons (especially pulse & hammer)

To Medor
I think we made it, but needs test to complete that problems...

Completed settings & fixes
1, Bot teleporting fix
2, Weapon can open movers & triggers
3, Completed DoubleJump settings
4, Completed ComboGIB settings
5, Option for disabling NewNet Teleporter for more supporting event or objective
6, Hit error (not completely tested)
7, AS140 weapons bug
8, Idle anim for Redeemer
9, Custom mutator for enabling RX & SLV based mod
10, Pulse Gun fire anim bug
11, HUD mutator fix (In this build of support all types HUD mutators without adding bbplayer code)
12, Weapon throw enhancement (Can throw weapons to other players or bot, Smooth weapon drop code added & AX Weapons supports weapon drop sound if landed on ground)
13, Weapon get or dropped pickup bug fixed, anim & sound bugs...

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Post by medor »



Altfiretype=2 is minsecbetweenballs
Altfiretype=1 is maxshockballs

From reduceballs not work like that
With your this is the impact ball's who allow new's ball's
Can you set this as: this is a new fire ball who remove (make disappear) the previous one.
Like that no spam in a short hallway.

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Post by Deepu »

Idk what you need actually & explain me correctly...

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Post by medor »

The better explain for that it's try it.
http://medor.no-ip.org/index.php?dir=Ze ... lus103.zip
http://medor.no-ip.org/index.php?dir=Ze ... Vbeta3.zip
http://medor.no-ip.org/index.php?dir=Mo ... eBalls.rar

Or for server set



zpShockArenaToComboGib to NOT to as ServerPackages

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Post by Deepu »

Set this:

MinSecBetweenBalls=0.700000 (Adjust here)
AltFireType=2 (Setting this value to enable reduced balls)

Pulse secondary 🔥 can open triggers & movers

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Post by medor »

Pulse secondary can open triggers & movers
for info just test d10 i can't open to

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Post by medor »


Here a source assault and LeagueAS140 http://medor.no-ip.org/index.php?dir=Ga ... 40_deO.zip

1/ Not work LeagueAS140.NoGuardiaTeamCannon but NoGuardiaCannon.NoGuardiaCannonActor work with LeagueAS140.

Deepu: This class is not found in this as140 package, then how server loads a none package?

2/ No Insta working here under LeagueAS140 and normal to.

3/ Assault and LeagueAS140 pulse not stay
Sound is destroy for pulse left fire after hammer use.

4/ Some teleport not work on some maps
for players in custom maps like AS-Ballistic final objective tele for defenders doesn't work to

5/ Iptocountry not work with the LeagueAS140 scoreboard
you can test on the test server we can't see to the little green flags for warmup tournament on.

Deepu: No problem with NewNet, maybe as140 scoreboard is broken?

6/ Not understand this for pug servers they can't make work insta with JB on the same build v9 as it work for us.
There is multimod and probably more one NN on it they dont use NNv9 as actor.

SLV206UL.SLVCTF work with UltimateNewNetv0_9.ST_SiegeInstaGibRifle but conflict arena and no arena newnet weapon

Deepu: Simple case, I will release new updated slv
Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
RX8UL_3.RXCTF Not work with UltimateNewNetv0_9.GrapMut
RX8UL_3.RXCTF work with insta siege but if we spam the fire at respond ... we die. Seems to be FSW error ...if we scroll there is no error.

8/ RX8UL_3.RXCTF need arena mod RX8UL_3.StrangeArena Done with RXU9

9/ Missing settings for UltimateNewNetv0_9.DoubleJump make setting to change the hight jumps and double to triple jumps.

Deepu: I already did you mentioned settings, only excluded jumpType this one is useless right?

11/ Add mutator/server actor line = UltimateNewNetv0_9.NewNetSDOM
Right click not work

12/ You can adjust with ZRangeHack=True/False to fix this error...

13/ Reduceball is still here and can you make it with ini for setting it?

The In place not do the work supress balls if spam with it

Deepu: ComboGIB's all settings are added!

14/ Animation only no fire when dropped shock rifle picking up, I'm right?
Postby jenova* » Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:49 pm
yes that's right
It was causing only that someone-dropped shock rifle.
Postby Deepu » Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:18 pm
Postby thiagoobr » Sat Sep 02, 2017 3:50 am
The weapons bug does not activate actors with shots, it continues...
It's a beastly bug, but several players are crying, filling the bag.

15/ Make back 2k4Combos
It come with custom color HUD

16/ I found "ASMD can't fire bug" still existing !

17/ Make bot ok with teleport

18/ 0.9,1x +
Sometimes when you shift to a weapon you can hear that it fires, tho' no output to screen or impact to enemy - reminds a bit of the weapon act staying sometimes when you kill opponent (sound of their weapon keeps staying untill you fire the same weapon once) Persist in 9.2x

19/ 0.9.2
Way more lags as soon as players are +70ms ping over you, gives really nasty accuracy for hiting? Small jitters in fast movements - will make a demo, might just be my UT. But feels like high ping is priotized a bit too much.

20/ 0.9.2
Frequent UT crashes in start of the game, fewer in game but some, never had that before. Noticed a lot of other players has the same problem.

21/ 0.9,1x + Sounds steps, RL loading an shots is randomly missed, sometimes like players can switch it off? Can't be nosteps as its excluded in ACE - So an overall question, how much can be tampered with at clientside in UN? (generally in NN)

Hammer bad personal damages count
Must be ....
With full charge it must remaining 46/100 life OK done
With a little charge it must remaining 73/100 life this remove 36 instead of 27
For a right fire 94/100 this remove 10 instead of 6

Deepu: Now you can adjust damage rate of hammer (HammerDamagePri & HammerDamageSec)

Strange problem, that also happens in NN 03,9,2, but not that often, in UN it's persistant.
Switch from minigun to sniper you dont get the weapon sound, back again works perfectly, and all other weapon switchs also.
Under NN it happens 1/3 of the times, so seems to be a general code error somewhere, that got amplified in the UN version of 0,9,2.

In the fractal. and hammer primary not active!
in DM-StalwartXL has to arrange the secondary shot hammer is not activating and pulse gun secondary not active...

Can throw a weapon to other player or a bot

Blocks adjusting client side plug & play settings

Weapons can't hit movers & triggers to open door & locks

Last edited by Deepu

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Post by Deepu »

First post updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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