I've long been trying to work out a way to do a good skin for Spider-Man. The problem I kept not being able to get around is that the Male Soldier model doesn't do team colors on the arms, and that has stumped me for years. The Spidey-Trek skin and the Spider-Gorn skins were attempts to work my way around this, but nothing ever quite clicked in my head... until last night's bout with insomnia. It seemed so obvious when it popped into my head, there's nothing saying the arms have to be completely in the costume.
Idea: a few seconds.
Build time: Roughly 2 hours, lots of little breaks as I edited some things and looked for other stuff I needed.

All 4 team colors, 10 faces, talk textures for each face.
Funny thing if my internet hadn't up and died last night, I might never have even started this (or had the thought that got me going) if I could've gotten online.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/168x5y88 ... ebhead.zip