Had Nelsona re-path the map to fix that.
This is pretty much an all rockets type map:

· Players have the UT Rocket Launcher
· Warlord (UTDMW) has the Warlord Rockets
· Skaarj (UTDMS) has Unreal1 Rockets
Originally only put a Warlord on the map but at the last minute I decided to add a Skaarj... as I periodically run bot matches to watch while I'm eating or something, and those added elements make the game last longer. This isn't a very large map, and on their own even competing teams against each other games tend to end pretty quick.
Players are trying to win the game, while Green Meanie (Skaarj) & Lord Gold (Warlord) are competing against each other to see who can get the most kills.
Usual Suspects:
.u - /system
.unr - /maps
.png - Pwetty
https://www.mediafire.com/file/ksrispan ... orbias.zip