Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:14 pm
This is a fairly well know stargate themed map, which a couple slight alterations.

What we have here is a relatively mediums sized map in 3 parts. There's 2 multi-level bases with an asteroid between them, both bases connected to the asteroid via stargates.
Asteroid is more of an oblong donut with a shieldbelt in a not entirely easy place to access. Or it would be if people weren't shooting at you, anyway.
Each base had a UTDMS guarding it.

There's a slightly more advanced version of this map which I had intended to edit with ut2k4 cannons on top of the stargates on the asteroid end of things, but I lost access to UnrealEd before I could get on that.
If I ever get access again, that's on my shortlist of things to get on immediately.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/psde4uu7 ... teways.zip

What we have here is a relatively mediums sized map in 3 parts. There's 2 multi-level bases with an asteroid between them, both bases connected to the asteroid via stargates.
Asteroid is more of an oblong donut with a shieldbelt in a not entirely easy place to access. Or it would be if people weren't shooting at you, anyway.
Each base had a UTDMS guarding it.

There's a slightly more advanced version of this map which I had intended to edit with ut2k4 cannons on top of the stargates on the asteroid end of things, but I lost access to UnrealEd before I could get on that.
If I ever get access again, that's on my shortlist of things to get on immediately.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/psde4uu7 ... teways.zip