Liandri?! Pfft, fuhgeddaboudit! UT99 now belongs to The Mob. Capice?
Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2024 5:16 pm
So far as it goes, I've always liked mobsters in certain fandom formats.

Like "Louie the Nose" or "Chairface Chippandale" or anything from the good old days of Dick Tracy, made men with really whacked out names and appearances.
Team colors are fairly limited to the belt, the somewhat visible shirt...

...and the shoes.
Enjoy! ...

Like "Louie the Nose" or "Chairface Chippandale" or anything from the good old days of Dick Tracy, made men with really whacked out names and appearances.
Team colors are fairly limited to the belt, the somewhat visible shirt...

...and the shoes.
Enjoy! ...