CS 1.6 Weapons for UT Release + Update v2.0

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CS 1.6 Weapons for UT Release + Update v2.0

Post by Spectra »

From ReadMe:

Title: Counter Strike Weapons v1.6 for UT99
Author: SpEcTra_7
Email: spectraut2@gmail.com
Release Date: 1st June, 2016


This is a port of Counter Strike v1.6 weapons to UT99.
Weapon Pack contains over 27 weapons ranging from knife, pistols to heavy rifles.


1. Put the contents of System (.u) folder in your UnrealTournament/System
2. Put the contents of Textures (.utx) folder in your UnrealTournament/Textures
3. Put the contents of Sounds (.uax) folder in your UnrealTournament/Sounds
4. (OPTIONAL) Redirect files are provided if you are planning to play this in servers.


This mod requires additional files which are there in System folder: XPickups, EnhancedItems,

XPickups is used as it provides random replacement of weapons.
RocketsUT is used as it provides flash effects for flash grenade.
EnhancedItems is required as RocketsUT is based on that.

If you don't have those 3 files, then install those too, otherwise this mod won't work.


If you are planning to load this mod is servers, then add this in your server's UT.ini file:


Also don't forget to add the redirect files (.uz) provided.


DefaultCSWeapon=CS_v16.USP //This will only work when bRespawnWithRandomPistols=False, the game will give USP as default weapon.
DefaultShotgunWeapon=CS_v16.M3 //This will only work when bRandomShotgunReplacement=False, the game will spawn specific weapon in place of Bio Rifle.
DefaultSMGWeapon=CS_v16.MP5 //This will only work when bRandomSMGReplacement=False, the game will spawn specific weapon in place of Shock Rifle.
DefaultRifleWeapon=CS_v16.M4A1 //This will only work when bRandomRiflesReplacement=False, the game will spawn specific weapon in place of PulseGun, Ripper, Minigun and Rocket Launcher.
DefaultSniperWeapon=CS_v16.AWP //This will only work when bRandomSniperReplacement=False, the game will spawn specific weapon in place of Sniper Rifle.
bEnableRecoil=True //Self explanatory
bAllAmbientGlow=True //If this is false, the glow effect won't be there on weapons. Its cons is that it will difficult to find weapon in dark corners.
bEnableCrosshair=True //Self explanatory
bRespawnWithRandomPistols=True //Self explanatory
bRandomPistolReplacement=True //The game will spawn random pistols in place enforcer. Make sure Weapon Stay option is disabled.
bRandomShotgunReplacement=True //Same as above, but for shotguns.
bRandomSMGReplacement=True //Same as above, but for SMGs.
bRandomRiflesReplacement=True //Same as above, but for Rifles.
bRandomSniperReplacement=True //Same as above, but for Sniper Rifles.
bBulletPenetration=True //You will be able to shoot through walls and players.
GunPickupSoundType=0 //0 - CS Pickup sound, 1 - Default UT Pickup Sound (for guns only).
AmmoPickupSoundType=0 //0 - CS Pickup sound, 1 - Default UT Pickup Sound (for ammo only).

GUI Configuration window is also added in Mod Menu, but not all settings are present there.


Type this in console.

1. Melee:
summon CS_v16.Knife

2. Pistols:
summon CS_v16.USP
summon CS_v16.Fiveseven
summon CS_v16.Deagle
summon CS_v16.P228
summon CS_v16.Glock

3. Shotguns:
summon CS_v16.M3
summon CS_v16.XM1014

4. SMGs:
summon CS_v16.MP5
summon CS_v16.P90
summon CS_v16.UMP45
summon CS_v16.Mac10
summon CS_v16.TMP

5. Rifles:
summon CS_v16.AK47
summon CS_v16.Famas
summon CS_v16.M4A1
summon CS_v16.Galil
summon CS_v16.SG552
summon CS_v16.Aug
summon CS_v16.SG550
summon CS_v16.G3SG1

6. Heavy Rifles:
summon CS_v16.M249

7. Sniper Rifles:
summon CS_v16.AWP
summon CS_v16.ScoutSniper

8. Grenades:
summon CS_v16.GrenadeFrag
summon CS_v16.GrenadeFlash
summon CS_v16.GrenadeSmoke


Recommended FOV: 80 - 90
Don't try play against high skill bots, they are too good!
Weapon don't support Alt Fire except in weapons like USP, Famas, Glock, M4A1.
If you see the right side of the HUD, on the top of Ammo bar. A yellow color number is displayed showing the actual clip count left in your gun.


This mod is Open Source. You are welcome to make your version or use in your projects.
But add my name in your credits list.

I have provided a different ZIP file with Source codes only.

SG552 and Aug are buggy for AI, as bots/Skaarj can fire more than bullets at one time :/
Animations are choppy in some weapons, because I used Milkshape3d to export the guns.
AWP and ScoutSniper have some problems in online, while zooming sometimes bullets don't land properly.
In order to fix this, simply de-select and select again the weapon or reload the weapon.


Gizzy and Shivaxi - developing CSWeapons227 for Unreal 1.
Wormbo - developing EnhancedItems and RocketsUT and flash effects from that mod.
FeraliDragon - developing XPickups as it supports random replacement of items.
ASLYE702 - Testing
Epic Games

Thats all! ENJOY!


Download Mod: http://www.mediafire.com/download/qdcmn ... ns_v16.zip
Download Source codes: http://www.mediafire.com/download/g1ju5 ... Source.zip

Last edited by Spectra on Sat Feb 04, 2017 1:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Deepu »

I will check, seems good, also provide support files URL it maybe helpful.

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Post by Spectra »

Version 2.0 update:
The ReadMe file is same as previous. I will just post the change and fixes.

1. All weapons are imported as Skeletal Models. So no more choppy or distorted animations.
2. Two new weapons added: Dual Elites Pistols and C4.
3. Fixed AI firing bug of Aug and SG552.
4. Added option for replacing OldSkoolWeapons.
5. Auto add to ServerPackages if server runs on XC_Engine.
6. New animations for FAMAS and Galil.
7. SMG weapons have more fire rate and accuracy.
8. This version is Standalone. This time there is no need for extra packages like XPickups or RocketsUT anymore.
9. Players / Bots will re-spawn with two extra frag grenades.
10. Texture skin fix for Flash and Smoke grenade.


If you are planning to load this mod in server, then add this in your server's UT.ini file:

If your server is running on XC_Engine, then no need to add to ServerPackages.
The XC_Engine will automatically add it to ServerPackages.

Else if your server is NOT running on XC_Engine, then add this in your server's UT.ini file.


Also don't forget to add the redirect files (.uz) provided.
Note: Weapon replacement should work on every maps now. This time replacements won't take accounts of MyMarker.

Download Mod: http://www.mediafire.com/file/yea9wi50q ... s16_v2.zip
Download Source: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mca44b18m ... Source.zip

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Post by xXx »

Looks/sounds awesome good work Spectra 👌

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Post by evilgrins »

One of the many tried against the Cyberus!
medor wrote:Replace Skaarj with EvilGrins

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