Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:16 pm
This is a really old revamp of the classic CTF map LavaGiant I made a long time ago aimed for Siege gameplay.


Thank you!thiagoobr wrote:goooood (y)
Jumpspot, Snipingpoints, and most of the actors were left the same they were in LavaGiant. This is literally just a Revamp of the map except for the bases, since it was aimed for Siege gameplay.Sektor2111 wrote:Paths are a bit borked as I could see LiftTags are the same in each base linking useless jumpspots and the rest. What for ?
Not sure then. Maybe I was just experimenting with something and I forgot to remove them or maybe it's just a novice mapper mistake I made at the time.Sektor2111 wrote:Original <CTF-LavaGiant> doesn't have points from bases linked directly, look at Paths (check ShowPaths Menu from ViewPort), first time I thought that are used teleporters but there is not any teleporter added.
Never mind if, I'll ever use this map I'll fix it because in this stage is not done properly either.