UT Launching Problem with Win 7

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UT Launching Problem with Win 7

Post by Deepu »

When you launch UT without internet connection (or with outbound firewall enabled and blocking everything unlisted in rules), the game doesn't launch.
Instead, a rundll32.exe process starts. And it consumes 12%-16%-25%-33%-50%-100% CPU (depending on how much cores you CPU has). In other words, consumes full power of one CPU core.

1) Launch the game 2 times. Second copy will launch. Then, minimize game, kill first game instance (don't miss :)) and the rundll32.exe process (also not universal way, not all games support minimizing or having the process launched 2 times)

2) Launch game. Suspend rundll32.exe. Kill game's process (rundll32.exe will remain, but won't use CPU as its suspended). Launch game again. OK, this is quite universal, but:
a) Too much actions to just launch a game!
b) Some applications may not work properly if you forget to terminate rundll32.exe. Really! I.e. I got Firefox hanging on files downloading when this process was hanging.

For ones that are looking the guide how to resolve, here it is:

1) If you're x64 OS, go to windows\syswow64\ and rename gameux.dll to something without .dll extension

2) If you're x86 OS, go to windows\system32\ and rename gameux.dll to something without .dll extension

In both cases you'll have to take ownership and add file permissions.

If you don't know how, here is a BAT file that will do it for you:
(1 KiB) Downloaded 1186 times

The script automatically detects if you have x64 or x86 windows, so you don't have to worry. Of course, you must run the script as Administrator.

Here's a funny thing.
If you're running x64 os and will restrict access (by setting "deny" permissions) to syswow64\gameux.dll file, when you launch any game you will get following error:
There was a problem starting C:\Windows\system32\gameux.dll

Access is denied

You see I've restricted access to the file in syswow64, but error message tells me that it can't access the file in system32 :)

Note: this option will disable default games of Windows & game explorer too...

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Post by thiagoobr »

Good bro!!!

i dont use win7, I'm going to download and save, when I install win7 I test :ut_minigun2:

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Post by medor »

Never ave this windows 7 problem with my UTv3
The day you make a test please try v3

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